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The governor is sure to sign it. As much as I hate this fucking bill, I have to agree with Stephen. stand up new york As I said over on Feministe, this is not the bill to worry about (yet). Much more worrisome is SCOTUS granting cert stand up new york to Gonzales v. Carhart, the case challeging the federal Women Suck Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. O’Conner was the 5th stand up new york and deciding vote in the case which overturned the Nebraska PBA Ban Act in 2000, and Kennedy voted in the minority. So that one is looking very bad for pro-choicers. And all women, for that matter. 12 randomliberal Feb 23rd, 2006 at 12:08 am LWF, Stenberg v. Carhart was the “partial-birth abortion” case from Nebraska I just referenced. The South Dakota bill goes much farther, and Kennedy (the new swing, unfortunately) would have to reverse his own vote in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in order to uphold that particular bill. As I said above, the worrisome one is the federal Misogyny PBA Ban Act case which was just granted cert.