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CD: Yeah. drunk naked The fact that it has the word mother-in-law in the title instantly tags it as a woman's book, and the original title actually was The Mothers-in-Law Diary rather than Mother-in-Law Diaries and it got changed by my publisher because the marketing division of Workman [which owns Algonquin Books] said, "Is this drunk naked a typo? Everybody's going to think this is a typo," and I said, "No. Get used to it, you know." I liked Mothers-in-Law because it was more piquant, it was really provocative, but Mother-in-Law it is. AC: What I would imagine would have required the drunk naked biggest shift in thinking for you as author was the shift from the chapter on Geoff to the last section with Dan because here with Geoff we have drama of a really intense sort, physical and verbal, and with Dan it's arguments about who broke a lamp, a more quotidian kind of drama. CD: Very child-oriented and the thing about it is that's how many relationships end. You know, they founder on what seem to be small things like that.
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