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__________________   That Little Animal teenage sex clips View Public Profile Send a private message to That Little Animal Send email to That Little Animal Find More Posts by That Little Animal 06-10-2005, 12:02 AM   #9 muse-ic_man Member   Join Date: 02 April 2004 Location: Winter Park(orlando), Fl Age: 18 thats bullshit. they have no teenage sex clips reason to hold off on putting the $5k into the account. and they deffinatly shouldnt put a hold on your wifes account. get in there ask to speak with a supervisor and say quite frankly this is rediculous. i've never heard of teenage sex clips someone putting a hold on your account because you want to make a deposit. i could understand if it was $500k if the check did bounce it wouldnt be a big deal they just take the money back or whatever they do, its the hold on your wifes account that is unresonable... they're practically holding her account randsome. bank of america is shit... well really most banks have there thumbs up there ass...
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