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"Go in the kitchen and get teenage sex clips me Quin's toy on the counter there." "Portia--" "Right next to the microwave, thanks." As Marlone left, Jeannette, looking relieved, removed her jacket and knelt on teenage sex clips the floor next to Quin. She made faces and cooing noises at the baby and let her grab a couple of fingers, and then she turned to Portia. "Dan said there was an emergency. What happened? Is there anything I can do?" "Babysitting the kids is plenty," Portia told her. "I really gotta thank you for this. My brother had a heart attack and--" "Oh teenage sex clips no!" Jeannette exclaimed. "Your brother... the queer one?" "She only has one brother," Marlone muttered icily from the kitchen doorway. God, didn't that woman ever shut her mouth? "Yes," Portia confirmed hastily, shooting a facetious glare at Marlone before smiling sweetly at Jeannette. "The queer one. Zephyr. Brit's staying with him, so I have to go get her, and hopefully I'll have a chance to stop by and see him while I'm there, but I'm not sure yet."
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