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    Fuuuuck. I'm done for tonight. 11:07 PM - 3 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment Wednesday, January 04, 2006 What Condition My Condition Was In There are some diseases I wouldn't mind having or inflicting on others. First of all, off the phones, we have a tale of sleep paralysis. A woman awakes in her bed, alone in the pitch black dark. She is fully awake but teen rape cannot move. Inside her head she is screaming.Her son in law finds her in the morning teen rape seemingly comatose. He shakes her, then hollers at her to no teen rape avail. Then he asks his wife, "Honey, was the sex we had last night good enough to make you wanna slap your mama?" And his wife, hovering over the bidet in the hall bathroom says "Fuckin A sugarcane!"So the son in law considers the situation. He remembers the time he made that wrong turn on the way to Myrtle Beach in 1986 and the way ol mom in law talked about it all that trip and the next vacation the next summer too.
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