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My reaction that my friend Jenny at work with Bowel Cancer probably had a clear idea about pain and milf sex pictures suffering was not well received...I was just tired of all this and wanted it to stop and just not be part of this "more depressed than thou" cycle of recriminations - I told her this and milf sex pictures I got the response "That makes me really uncomfortable, etc, etc"I responded with a not very eloquent but extremely satisfyingly loud "GET milf sex pictures FUCKED!" and got up to leave.She said "You can't leave, you have to stay here and work through these issues and then apologise"I said "GET FUCKED!" again even louder. Boy that felt good. The current Ms Weasel (who won't like the term "the current" and therefore may not click 'I like this', so please click it for her) can reduce both of us to helpless laughter by saying "...that makes me really uncomfortable etc, etc" to which I always heartily respond "GET FUCKED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"I may now write a self-help book on this subject: "I'm OK, You're All Right, She's Fucked Up!