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By the time FEMA even heard of older porn us, the livestock were saved (or not saved, as older porn was sometimes the case.) FEMA came later. FEMA will always be late. Make sure that you, your loved ones, your city and county governments have plans for whatever natural disasters threaten you. The responsibilty for the New Orleans disaster rests first with the people and govt of New Orleans; second with the state of LA; and last with the federal government. Incompetence on the scale of the New Orleans govt. can't older porn be alleviated reliably by the feds. And where you live, it's primarily up to you. FEMA will always be late. Posted by: MatthewRMarler on September 4, 2005 at 12:09 AM | PERMALINK http://edition.cnn.com/2005/US/09/03/katrina.chertoff/index.html CNN has had enough of Chertoff... They might as well just say in bold letters...