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Event  Designations on the Graph screen to note various corporate events. more...Correction (or price correction, pullback, general market correction)A decline in the general market indices or an individual stock after a recent uptrend. CouponThe stated interest rate on a bond when it’s first issued. For sex between mother and son example, a $1,000 bond with coupon of 6% will pay you $60 a year until it matures.Cup with handle  Technical charting pattern coined by IBD founder William J. O’Neil. It is one sex between mother and son of three positive chart patterns to look for when doing technical analysis of a stock. It sex between mother and son is named such because it resembles the outline of a coffee cup with a handle.  more...Current PriceThe amount of money a security most recently traded for.Cyclical stocksCompanies whose performance is tied to certain economic cycles. When oil prices are high, for example, stocks engaged in this industry tend to reap the benefits.Top
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