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When they've offered you the job, diets you are in a much stronger position to explore options and to negotiate your starting salary. Don't turn down a job because of the salary range until you've explored other ways to "sweeten the deal." If the salary isn't high enough, think of how you might negotiate a better "total package" with things of value to you: the amount and timing of your first raise, more vacation time, lower health insurance co-pay, a company car, free parking, spousal travel on business trips, free tuition for your kids, etc. Do diets turn diets down a job or a salary that doesn't "feel right" to you. Senior Job Sites Another thing the over-50 job seeker can do is visit a Website that specializes in jobs for "seniors," like Job-Hunt sponsor, the SeniorJobBank.org, a non-profit organization that matches over-50 job seekers with employers looking for experienced help. People do discriminate in their hiring practices, and it is difficult to prove.
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