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I'm just sayin'. Posted by: Manatee | March 14, 2006 09:37 PM you are right...a lot of Helen's are bitches. My ex mother in law was freakin insane...hmmm must have rubbed off on her mental son. Good luck with GM and the bitch on wheels. Posted by: ANNIE | March 14, 2006 05:11 exquisite PM Wow, I just don't know what to say. I am so sorry that you are having all exquisite of these exquisite problems. I hope things start improving for you and GM. Posted by: Amy | March 14, 2006 02:16 PM Yes, it sounds like Hell-en is a few cards short of a full deck. Hell-en sounds like a wack-job who perhaps has done one to many drugs. Unpredictable and perhaps hostile is not safe for mom and her need for rest, obviosly. Perhaps maybe you can get the wack job put somewhere else . I have had bad experiences, I know other people who have had bad experiences,and as a matter of fact my daughters father died because of neglegent, stupid, head up their ass so called nurses and doctors. Good luck !Hopefully you won't get a bunch of bullshit, {sorry, but there is nothing that we can do.}