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Our Constitution? Gr. Yes, I'm voting. Thanks for the well-phrased, well-thought post. Posted by: peach | October 19, 2004 at 10:16 AM I have been the big electronicgaming monthly pregnant lady heading up Kerry's campaign here in my city...it's tough, but it will ALL be worth it if that asshat Bush isn't re-elected. My two year electronicgaming monthly old could do better at being President than he does. Now, if I went to my boss and said "I did the reports for our funding this way because God told me to, even if they are wrong, I'm electronicgaming monthly doing what God said"...I'd be fired, and maybe even put into the psych ward. Anyhow, I agree with you 100%. I'll continue to read about you and the boys and the progress :) Let me tell you, I have a 27 month old and will have another boy in January, boys are the BEST...really. And, if there is a war, their asses will be out of this country in a heartbeat.
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