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He states over and over "Mama is not as strong as other people". Believe me, Mama is very strong! She is only 15 years drunk pilot older than him. She called consistently and makes him supper, asked him to come over, take drunk pilot care of all her business, and is "sick" almost everyday. He calls her about 5 times a day and after work everyday goes straight to her house for about 1-2 hours. My drunk pilot hate for her is getting so strong my marriage is in pieces. This morning he left to go to church and Sunday school with her (he's never gone with me). I have even told him, maybe he should leave and go live with her. His comment is she needs him, and is a very weak woman. Selfish Mother-In-Law 37 My husband and I have been married for over seven years. During this time, my mother-in-law (MIL) has repeatedly told lies about me to other family members, and she has lied to my husband about having done so, as well as lied to him about his brother and wife, who are your basic family and system-sucking sponges.